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P. Pomarède, L. Chehami, N.F. Declercq, F. Meraghni, J. Dong, A. Locquet, and D. S. Citrin," Application of Ultrasonic Coda Wave Interferometry for Micro-cracks Monitiring in Woven Fabric Composites, J. Nondestruct. Eval. 38, 26 (2019).
J. Dong, P. Pomarède, L. Chehami, A. Locquet, F. Meraghni, N.F. Declercq, and D. S. Citrin," Visualisation of subsurface damage in woven carbon finer-reinforced composites using polarization-sensitive terahertz imaging, NDT E Int. 99, 72 (2018).
J. Dong, A. Locquet, M. Melis, and D. S. Citrin," Stratigraphic analysis of a XVIIth century oil painting, Sci. Rep. 7, 15098 (2017).
J. Dong, A. Locquet, D. S. Citrin," Depth-resolution enhancement of terahertz deconvolution by autoregressive spectral extrapolation; Optics Letters 42, 1828 (2017).Impact Factor 3.4.
J. Dong, X. Wu, A. Locquet, D. S. Citrin," Terahertz super-resolution stratigraphic characterization of multi-layered structures using sparse deconvolution; IEEE Transactions on THz science and technology 3, 260 (2017).Impact Factor 2.9
J. Dong, A. Locquet, D. S. Citrin,"Terahertz Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation of Failure Modes in Polymer-Coated Steel", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23(4), 8044207 (2017). Impact Factor: 3.9.
J. Dong, J. Bianca Jackson, M. Melis, D. Giovannacci, G. C. Walker, A. Locquet, J.W. Bowen, and D. S. Citrin, "Terahertz Frequency-Wavelet Domain Deconvolution for Stratigraphic and Subsurface Investigation of Art Painting", Optics Express 24(23), 26972 (2016). Impact Factor: 3.3.
J. Dong, B. Kim, A. Locquet, P. McKeon, N. Declercq, D.S. Citrin, "Nondestructive evaluation of forced delamination in glass fiber-reinforced composites by terahertz and ultrasonic waves", Composites Part. B 79, 667 (2015). Impact Factor: 4.7.
J. Dong, A. Locquet, and D. S. Citirn, "Enhanced Terahertz Imaging of Small Forced Delamination in Woven Glass Fiber-reinforced Composites with Wavelet De-noising", Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 37, 289 (2016). Impact Factor: 2.5
J. Dong, A. Locquet. N. Declercq, and D. S. Citrin, "Polarization-resolved terahertz imaging of intra- and inter-laminar damages in hybrid fiber-reinforced composite laminate subject to low-velocity impact", Composites Part. B 92, 167 (2016). Impact Factor: 4.7.
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